Rated PG-13
The Haunting in Connecticut is a “based on a true story” horror movie with a dark feel and very interesting story. It’s the story of a family who has a son with cancer, and they move their family to a house that’s closer to where he needs treatment. Once there, he begins to be plagued by strange and horrible visions, all leading him to the home’s dark, buried past. While there were a lot of things to praise about this movie, more of it fell flat than anything. The story is very intriguing. They’re able to hook the viewer right away, and they definitely don’t waste any time. Almost from the very beginning it’s fun and jumpy. A lot of it is also genuinely creepy, which is always a plus.
Now for the bad, and there’s quite a bit of it. While the movie remains suspenseful and scary throughout, the loud, obnoxious music meant to “build suspense” really just gets in the way of the horror, and makes it more comedic than anything. I know I’ve said this a thousand times (and really, what did you expect from 31 horror reviews?) but the acting was terrible. Nothing pulls me out of a story more than it being badly told. Speaking of which, the writing was horrible as well. There was virtually no character development, and most of the characters were extremely cookie-cutter. The same characters we’ve seen over and over again, saying the same things over and over again. It really shows bad writing skills when someone’s character is cheesy and fake, and it provides no stimulation for the audience whatsoever.
It’s really jumpy, kinda fun, and poorly written. It started great, then slowly unraveled into a very bad movie. Give it a shot if you’re into horror, just be ready to sit through some bland characters and horrible dialogue.
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