I don't know what you do for a living, but I'm going to assume that, like me, you're probably in it more for the money than for the love of the game, so to speak. For most people (notice how authoritatively I can speak for most people) a job is a paycheck, not a pastime. But how do we endure the soul-crushing monotony of our day jobs? Well, for me (and please remember that, in all things, I speak for most people) a big part of coping is listening to podcasts, so this week I thought I'd share some of my favorite podcasts with you. Who knows? Maybe some of them are your favorites too. Maybe they will be. And maybe - just maybe - you don't give a crap. Well, that's a pretty crummy attitude to have. Fortunately, I'm not deterred and will soldier on despite your bad attitude. So, without further ado and in no particular order...
Tales To Terrify
If you're a fan of short fiction (as I am) and a fan of horror (as I also am) then you ought to be a fan of the District of Wonders Network's horror podcast Tales to Terrify (as I most certainly am). For weekly doses of short horror, both old and new, you can't go wrong here. I have it on good authority that there are some who find host Lawrence Santoro's campy style less than pleasing, but he's never given my anything but pleasant dreams...hmmmm?

A great little spotlight for all things geek that just happens to shine out of my hometown (gotta give props to my hood). Funny, foul, and frequently offensive, it hits on all the right cylinders for me. The only thing it's missing is my personal genius. Oh, did I mention that I've been talking to the hosts about doing a guest spot? Hellooo Perfectiontown!
Fresh Air is the perfect name for this show. The bulk of my podcast queue is filled with short speculative fiction, comedy, and geek talk, so a show dealing with topics as varied as Mitt Romney's biographers, Regina Spektor's new album, and whether or not your smart phone is being used to track you at all times really is a breath of fresh air.
What happens when a couple of friends separated by the circumference of the Earth want to use watching and discussing old movies from their childhoods as a pretext to catch up on each others' lives? They call each other on Skype, record it, and put it on the internet for voyeurs like you and me to listen in on, that's what! It's like listening to old friends you haven't seen in a while talk about movies, but with a rating system. Oh, and we stole their rating system to use on Road To The Movies. I should probably mention that.
Scott Aukerman (the man with the world's most famous taint) has created something really special here: An improv comedy show masquerading as an interview show where celebrity guests appearing in-character, celebrity guests not appearing in-character, and the host all work together to create the most absurd interviews possible, all without breaking. It doesn't always work, but when it does it's comedy gold, and that makes every episode worth taking a chance on.