Hey, welcome to Shortcuts - mini-reviews to tide you over until the full
Road To The Movies review drops on Monday (The Pre-Review) and Wednesday (The Review)! Sorry we're about an hour and a half past the Saturday deadline (it's now close to 1:30 Sunday morning), but in supporting the spirit of blistering action that our movie this week -
The Expendables 2 - seeks to uphold, we spent all day Saturday playing
Max Payne 3 and just now remembered we need to post these. Again, we apologize. We'll try not to let this become a regular thing.
Without further ado, this is
The Expendables 2 is a no holds barred, adrenaline pumping thrill ride. Cliché description maybe, but 100% appropriate. It knew exactly what it wanted to be and then kicked its own hypothetical ass. It is, without a doubt, exactly what you’d expect when you get the stars of every movie that’s ever been called a no holds barred, adrenaline pumping thrill ride (in a ‘90s movie trailer voice) together, and have them Jack Slater, yippee-ki-yay motherfucker, round house kick you in the face with ridiculous awesome. Go watch this movie… unless you’re a bitch.
Oh yeah, one last word:
-SETHAnd just 'cause we're so sorry to have been late this week, here is a second opinion for you to consider!

There are two kinds of people: The kind who adore ‘80s action and yearn for its triumphal return, and the kind who won’t enjoy
The Expendables 2. If you’ve ever loved a pithy one-liner chasing a bullet; if you’ve ever cheered at a bad guy getting blown to smithereens in a clear case of extreme overkill; if you’ve ever loved an American Hero who can barely pronounce “American Hero,” then this is your golden moment. There are few perfect movies – fewer still perfect
action movies – and if this isn’t one, it’s as close as a shave with a combat knife.
-GABEThanks for your patience, and be sure to click the banner below to go to our
YouTube channel, where - as stated above - we'll post our pre-review of
The Expendables 2 on Monday, and the review on Wednesday.